How to disable category block?

13 Jahre 11 Monate her #316 von Sandra

I am busy with this program. The problem I got is how you can disable the category block when choosing the manufacturer. The Block on the frontpage can be disable and enabled on the backoffice. but I can't find this for the manufacturers.. :blink:

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13 Jahre 8 Monate her #335 von Support Team
Go to the admin menu.

configuration-> mystore -> look for: This is the flag for the categories block on the home page.

Set it off and update the page.

No categories block on the homepage anymore.

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13 Jahre 5 Monate her #359 von Simpel
Thanks looking for this too! :blush:

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13 Jahre 3 Tage her #451 von gardenho
Is the setting for that no longer in admin? I definitely do not have it showing in my store config.

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13 Jahre 3 Tage her #453 von Support Team
It is still there. But the config view has been change some MarvikShop versions ago.

it's called "Use Categories on Home" when you clicked on it. You will see This is the flag for the categories block on the home page.

~ option rule 35
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: gardenho

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13 Jahre 2 Tage her #455 von gardenho
This is missing from my admin. I suspect I may be missing others as well, and I probably overwrote them or deleted them when I imported my old osc tables. Aarrrrg! I have just completed upgrading from Marvikshop 2.2 to 2.3 as well and I did not run the sql as a fresh install as i did not want to lose the data I imported already.

How can I make sure all the tables & columns are there? Can I run one of the sql files again, or run a modified one? I see sql.sql and sql1.0.sql in the install files.

Or do I need to start over with a fresh db and re-import all my osc data?

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13 Jahre 2 Tage her #457 von Support Team
hmm, it was there al the time. Only the layout is changed in the configuration tab.

If you where familiar with phpMyAdmin, and I think you do ;)

In the sql.sql that's the latest one.(You can delete sql1.0.sql if you want). You have to import osc_configuration table
and osc_configuration_group table. That's all.

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