Many bugs in MarvikShop online Demo

13 Jahre 3 Monate her #379 von karlo


your online demo is very buggy:

1. Layout of all Boxes are broken -> pic1
2. it is impossible to add products to cart by clicking "+" in list
or search list.
I see "1 IN CART" but Cart ist still empty. -> pic2
3. The same problem be clicking a "cart" button from a popup -> pic3
4. Layout of MShop Cart with products added is broken -> pic4
5. I can't create an Account: after clicking "confirm" i see only one
text row on empty white site -> pic6

ie7; ie8; opera 9, firefox 3.6, firefox 4

It seems MarvikShop ist built on OSC 2.2rc2a, which have problems with PHP greater then 5.2 ???


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13 Jahre 3 Monate her - 13 Jahre 3 Monate her #380 von Support Team
Yes, you are right. The demo is still MarvikShop 1.1 on Joomla 1.5.
We will update the demo with the new MarvikShop 2.2 which comes at the end of November with the latest Joomla version 1.7.2.

1. The template is an old Yootheme template. We did not solve these conflicts in the css files. Other templates works fine. It depends which Joomla template you use.

You have to login first to use this. In MarvikShop 2.0 and higher the whole registration process will be done by Joomla. If you want you can try the add-on "Purchase Without Account" from Oscommerce.

Same as 2

That bug is solved in MarvikShop 2.0 and higher

MarvikShop 2.0 and higher use the registration process of Joomla.


We use Oscommerce 2.3.1 and many parallel shopprograms based on Oscommerce. But is it so heavily modified for the use in Joomla.

The demo uses Php 5.2.13, we did not try 5.3 yet.

If you want to see a real demo you can ask Simpel in the forum. He almost finished his shop based on MarvikShop 2.1 (2.2).
Letzte Änderung: 13 Jahre 3 Monate her von Support Team.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: karlo

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13 Jahre 3 Monate her #382 von karlo
Thanks for this answer.

Where can i see a "real demo"? I found nothing in forum :S


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13 Jahre 3 Monate her #386 von Support Team
Ask the user Simpel.:lol:

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